The OVER 25 TEAM - Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie

Kenyan content creators Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie from Over 25 have announced the end of their joint YouTube channel after 7 years.

In a new video dubbed “Final Curtain Call,” the group of four made it public that they have evolved over the years and their perspectives in life have changed hence the need to wrap up things on the channel.

In a bitter, sweet narration the girls acknowledged how the channel has shaped their lives over the years and how it helped them discover their hidden talents.

“This is the final episode of Over 25 and we decided to seat here and do our individual takes. I’m (Jules) I’m seating here with lots of mixed feelings…I started the channel as all of you know because I just wanted a creative outlet and over time it became an excuse for us to meet as friends,” Jules said in part.

In a detailed description on their YouTube channel the group explained;

“Almost to the day, this video marks 7 years of us: Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie, creating content on this channel. Using our life experiences as friends, sisters, working women, and mothers, we poured our hearts and souls into Over 25 where we connected, grew, and celebrated with our audience - boy did we love it!”

The OVER 25 TEAM - Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie

They went on to add;

“It has not been an easy decision to make but as Over 25, we now feel that it is time to take a step back and figure out WHO we are now seven years since we started this journey. In this time, we have had marriages, babies, career changes, break-ups, make-ups, graduations, birthdays, and even final goodbyes; as happens with many things in life, sometimes you need to pause and regroup. Is this the end? We cannot say for sure. Will we be coming back? Possibly. Just not right now.

They signed off by thanking their fans for supporting them over the year and their 157K subscribers.

“We would like to thank each and every one of our subscribers and followers; we owe it all to you. Thank you for subscribing, liking, commenting, engaging, sharing, and supporting. You gave us the reassurance to continue and the confidence to grow. Please continue to support us by purchasing the last round of our merchandise,”

Thank you to our production team for your contribution, patience, and support. Thank you to our sponsorship and brand partners that believed in this team and were willing to invest in us over the years.

“Last but not least, we would like to thank ourselves (smile) for being bold enough to live in our truths at a time when few women would dare to in such a public manner - it has been a beautiful adventure. This is our happy place.

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