The OVER 25 TEAM - Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie

Kenyan YouTubers ‘Over 25’ have been forced to clear the air after media personality Chris Makena was thrown at the center of their breakup by Netizens.

On May 8, 2023, the four - Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie, announced that they will no longer be making content together as a group.

This opened the door to lots of speculations as to why they had ended their journey after 7 years.

Blogger Jambi Fever accused the former BBC Journalist as the person responsible for the group’s breakup with allegations that she was dating two of the group members.

However, in an official statement Over 25 jointly stated that the reports are untrue - asking their fans and Netizens to stop peddling such lies.

“We are also cognizant of the unpleasant and fabricated narratives circulating the internet and will, as we always have focus on what is positive, uplifting, and truthful.

“We do not and never have condoned the perception of cyberbullying lies, or hateful commentary. As such we maintain the reason stated for the discontinuation of Over 25,” the group said in a joint statement.

They went on to appreciate their fans for the support they have accorded them over the years.

“Over 25 would like to thank our subscribers and followers for their immense support received after our final curtain call video.

For every comment, message, and post we truly thank you and appreciate each one of you for being on this journey with us,” they said.

The Over 25 statement

Final Curtain Call

The group noted that they have evolved over the years and hence the need to wrap up things on the channel

In a bitter, sweet narration the girls acknowledged how the channel has shaped their lives over the years and how it helped them discover their hidden talents.

“This is the final episode of Over 25 and we decided to seat here and do our individual takes. I’m (Jules) I’m seating here with lots of mixed feelings…I started the channel as all of you know because I just wanted a creative outlet and over time it became an excuse for us to meet as friends,” Jules said in part.

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