Eric Omondi and Fidel Castro's family in Kisumu
Image: courtesy

Comedian turned activist Eric Omondi has managed to raise Sh755, 000 for a Kisumu student who was allegedly shot 9 times during last week’s demos.

The form four student identified as Fidel Castro is admitted at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital Kisumu. Castro who is 17 years of age, is a student at Bishop Abiero Secondary School.

Omondi organized an online fundraiser where well-wishers joined the live stream in large numbers to support the course.

The comedian added that the fundraiser will continue later today, as he is aiming at raising Sh2, 000, 000.


“Morning Guys. We stopped the Live at around 5 am to allow the Parents to sleep in kidogo. We are at Ksh 755,0000 but our Targef is 2 Million. We rest and Resume from 11 am until we hit Target. In the Meantime, you can still be sent to her on 0110509288 ( Name: Lillian Okoth)to help us move closer to our Target. GOD BLESS YOU🙏,” Omondi said.

Omondi said that the money raised from the fundraiser will help clear Fidel’s hospital bill, pay school, and help his mother put up a business.

"This is Fidels Mother her Name is Lillian Akoth. Her son was shot 9 times. She is a widow. Tonight we as Kenyans will make History.

"We will Raise enough money to pay Fidel Hospital Bill's, Build her a house, and open enough businesses for her and her 4 Children,".

He added “Her number is 0110509288 Start sending money Now Jina yake itasema Lilian Akoth. We are Starting the live on my Facebook and Instagram from 8:30pm to 6am in the morning. LETS MAKE HISTORY!!! I have 4 Million followers on Instagram and 2 million on Facebook.

"Tuma hata 10 bob, 1 bob, 50 bob, ama 10,000. Ikijaa tunaeka kwa Mshwari yake tunaendelea mpaka tufike Ksh 1 Million ama 2 Million ana hata 3 Million. LETS GO GUYS!!! Start sending now!!! We go Live at 8:30pm to 6am on my Facebook and Instagram,”.

Just the other, Omondi also raised Sh400, 000 for Victor Juma a Mathare man who was arrested for confronting the police who allegedly teargassed his child during Azimio demos.

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