Ababu Namwamba
Image: Instagram

Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba has said he cannot resign over allegations raised against him by Members of Parliament. 

The CS noted that his scorecard is impressive and is on the right path to deliver his mandate at the ministry.

"I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind, work, and imagination that I am performing well as Sports CS. Ten months ago when I walked into this ministry, I inherited an arena that was in a total mess," CS Ababu said.

"There are no sufficient grounds raised within this floor that would cause my resignation. I am doing well within my mandate, I cannot resign."

Kajiado MP Elijah Memusi asked the CS if he was willing to resign based on issues raised by the house. 

"I am fully in touch and in control of this ministry. I have made it clear that it can not be run by a one-man show, sports have other stakeholders," Ababu noted. 

On joyriders, Ababu said he is not aware of them being part of an official delegation accompanying officials to events. 

"If MPs have information about any joyriders, it'll be great if it's shared," he said. 

The CS has since refuted the claims and said he inherited challenges at the ministry and has worked towards making everything right. 

"We found a country that was under suspension by FIFA, which had a very costly impact on sports in this country," he said. 

Last week, National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung'wah said the CS should provide an explanation as to why neither he nor a representative from the ministry was present to receive athletes who landed after representing Kenya at the Berlin Games.

"You were not made a minister in this country to fly flags in the streets and bulldoze your way through traffic with Subaru escorts, you were made to serve the sportsmen and women of this country," he said. 

"The minister must appear before this house and I will cause his appearance and specifically tell this house and the people of Kenya why he lacks the time to attend to people who are representing our country," he added. 

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