President William Ruto, Larry Madowo and President Samia Sulyuhu Hassan

CNN international reporter Larry Madowo and President Samia Suluhu Hassan left dignitaries and Presidents in stitches while engaging in a friendly fire at the ongoing Africa Food Systems Summit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

President Samia took to the podium to remind President William Ruto that her country is willing to teach Kenyans ‘Kiswahili Sanifu”.

“Juzi Ruto alitufundisha Jambo, akasema Semeni Jambo? Tukasema Jambo lakini the real thing ni Habari za Mchana. Hawa wakenya hawa kwenda kusign mkataba wanasema kuweka kidole, na inabidii tuwawekee kwenye lessons za Kiswahili,” President Samia said leaving the crowd in laughter.

However, in a quick rejoinder, Larry Madowo took to the podium to defend President Ruto – stating that Kenyans speak better English while Tanzanians are good Swahili speakers.

“Lazima nimtetee rai wangu, Rais Samia Hassan alisema wataanza kufunza Wakenya Kiswahili, nikamjibu: "Tunaongelesha waTanzania kwa Kiswahili mbaya, wanatujibu na Kizungu mbaya, tunasonga mbele kama injili." 🤣 Niliua nyumba pale Dar halafu Rais William Ruto akaongezea. Nilidanganya?," he said in part.

“What I said is that Kenya and Tanzania are great friends, that’s all and nothing. There are a few things in there but that is a family matter so we are going to leave it there at the level of Swahili.

As that is not enough President Ruto interjected to let the audience know that his Swahili is better than that of Larry Madowo.

“Kiswahili Changu ni bora kuliko cha Larry ambaye anatoka kijijini kwetu huko nyumbani... pia nimesikia umezungumzia Azimio mara kadha na huku kwetu Azimio ni chama cha Upinzani na kina fujo kweli kweli,” President Ruto said in part.

President Ruto joined other heads of state and government for the 13th Africa Food Systems Summit that hosted by President Samia Suluhu.

At the summit, the leaders are discussing food security and sustainability for the African continent and world, among other issues.

The summit is being held at the Julius Nyerere International Conference Centre (JNICC) in Dar es Salaam.

The summit’s theme, “Recover, Regenerate, Act: Africa’s Solutions to Food Systems Transformation,” focuses on building back better food systems and food sovereignty with youth and women at the centre.

The summit comes a day after Kenya concluded a successful Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi which saw at least 17 heads of state attend.

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