Amber Ray spotted with Ex-hubby Zaheer Jhanda days after dumping Rapudo

Businesswoman Amber Ray has raised eyebrows after being spotted hanging out with her ex-husband Zaheer Jhanda

The two were spotted at a nightclub in Kisii Town, where Amber was making an appearance and at the same time celebrating her brother’s Birthday.

Videos of the two (Amber and Jhanda) having a small talk have surfaced online- leaving their fans confused.


The act of the two being spotted together comes as a surprise to many as their breakup was not rosy.

In August 2018, Amber Ray made it public that she had parted ways with her then-husband Zaheer Merlahi Jhanda and also ceased being Muslim.

Being in the limelight, Amber Ray’s life has been rocked with a fair share of controversy, and just the other day she was forced to defend herself over witchcraft allegations.

“I thank God for the friends I have now, for my enemies only have my past to attack me…kama ingekuwa kitambo with the ongoing stupid fights my secrets would be all over”

 “It’s about time I share with you this very important move in my life, which will also set some of you free because you have been waiting for this day for way too long and I do not want to continue holding you hostage.

"Feel free to keep the screenshots, keep em’ receipts for future use.I would like to inform you that I am no longer married to Zaheer Merlahi Jhanda and no one should link me to him or his family in whatever way. It has been great couple of years despite the challenges that I have come across, I apologize to my son and my family for all the insults they have had to bear in the past because of my decisions. Let there be peace because I have my own life to live, dreams to chase and goals to fulfill. This also goes to say that I am no longer a Muslim,” wrote Amber Ray.

Just the other day, Amber Ray hinted that she had ended her romantic relationship with baby daddy Kennedy Rapudo.

Later On, Rapudo acknowledged that he was in the wrong and that is why Amber went ranting on social media.

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