Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja

City Hall will on Thursday conduct a crackdown exercise against hawkers in the CBD.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja said that the crackdown will seek to tame hawkers operating within the CBD.

“There will be no hawking on the road. In fact, I'm enforcing it from tomorrow( Thursday) morning, even around the bus station. I will not allow that,” he said.


The governor was speaking during a consultative meeting between enforcement officers, hawkers and executive officers.

Sakaja insisted that the law must be followed and in areas where hawking is prohibited, he will not change his mind on it.

"Nairobi will be a city of order and dignity. There will be no hawking on roads and that is not negotiable," he said.


Going further, the county chief added that the move will not only be for the safety of hawkers who risk their lives selling their commodities on the roads but will allow motorists to move with ease.

Sakaja noted the move will further allow vehicles parking space.

The governor also said hawking along Tom Mboya and  Moi Avenue is prohibited.

He explained that the areas have been marked for a multi-billion project which is aimed at decongesting the city.

"I want to make it clear that on Moi Avenue and Tom Mboya, there will be no hawking. We have a plan for that area and investors have brought in money. I'm also looking out for the commuters of CBD who use that lane,  Sakaja added.

The governor said there needs to be a balance because some of the people who complain about hawkers do it because they demean the work of others.

"On hawkers, we have to balance. There is someone who will complain about hawkers while he is wearing a suit from work to fend for his children but because he has had a little challenge accessing a matatu home, he will say these hawkers should not be there," Sakaja said.

"It's like looking down on someone else's work. Someone who has decided to earn an honest living instead of becoming a thief."

He further said the reason the city has continued to experience the hawkers' challenge is because subsequent administrations failed to build markets for these people.

The governor also directed the Chief Officer in charge of Security  Anthony Kimani to ensure that all officers are in uniform.

" I don’t want anyone operating without a uniform unless it is part of our operation of plain clothes team.”

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