Gachagua jets in after week-long foreign mission

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is expected back in the country Tuesday evening from his official tour to Belgium and Germany.

Gachagua has been out of the country since October 24.

The DP represented President William Ruto at the Global Gateway Forum hosted by the European Commission in Brussels.

The forum aimed to strengthen relations between the European Union (EU) and its partners, Kenya included.

“The Deputy President has completed his very fruitful and successful visit to Belgium and Germany where he inked key deals, especially on coffee,” a statement from the DP office reads.

In Brussels, Belgium, Gachagua signed a deal with Java Coffee Company that will see the company purchase over 700,000kgs of coffee from smallholder farmers, in particular women.

In Germany, his top-level engagements will see the establishment of warehouses for Kenyan coffee for small and medium roasters.

“He had numerous engagements with investors who are looking forward to investing in various sectors in the country including manufacturing, renewable energy, tourism, the Blue Economy, research among others,” it further states.

On Sunday, the Deputy President held talks with the Mayor of Gersthofen, Michael Worle.

Gachagua, together with his wife, Dorcas Rigathi and Baringo Central MP Joshua Kandie were hosted by Worle.

The meeting, he said, aimed at exploring areas of partnership between Gersthofen City and Kenyan counties under the twinning programme.

“Part of the strategies of strengthening devolution is working and learning from advanced counties and cities within and beyond Kenya,” he said.

Currently, Gersthofen City is working with Kisumu and Baringo counties, a partnership that is transforming service delivery as we grow strong and autonomous economies at the devolved units.

He also commended the progress made so far in controlling pollution and addressing water shortage.

While in Germany, he assured Kenyans living in the country that the government will review legal frameworks on taxation of Diaspora remittances.

He noted that the Treasury together with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), and the State Department for Diaspora Affairs are carrying out a comprehensive review of the relevant tax laws to address the matter. 

"The issue of double taxation is a thorn in the flesh of Kenyans living in the Diaspora. The government is addressing that matter. For us to get support from Diaspora in remittances we must sort out the issue of double taxation,” he said.

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