
TikToker Rose Atieno alias Nyako has revealed that she is set to be deported from Germany after running into trouble with authorities.

A worried Nyako aired her frustrations through a TikTok live video at a time when her Electricity had been disconnected.

At the time, Nyako was begging for help from her fans. For the past few weeks, Nyako has been struggling to make ends meet after her PayPal accounts were frozen by the German authorities.


She was later asked to declare how much money she earns on TikTok.

"Nimekatiwa stima, nataka mchango. Wamesema next weekend nakua deported so I don't need stima. Deportation papers zangu ziko tayari so wamenikatia stima, ata maji sina imagine. Deportation papers ziko tayari, sasa sijui nani ata adopt hawa watoto wangu," Nyako said.

(They have disconnected my power, so I want your help. They have said that I will be deported next weekend, so I don't even need power. My deportation papers are ready so they have disconnected my power and I don't even have water. So I don't know who will adopt my kids).


The controversial TikToker added that her children would not be deported together with her because they have German citizenship.

"Mkenya mgani atajitolea aishi na watoto wangu, ju mama mtoto akisha deportiwa sasa watoto watabaki na nani yawa? Watoto wangu hawezi rudishwa Kenya coz they have German citizenship," Nyako shared.

(Which Kenya will volunteer to adopt my kids, because when I'm deported who will stay with my kids? My kids can't be deported because they have German Citizenship).

Nyako went on to lecture her critics who are happy about her looming deportation. She stressed that i=even if she gets deported, people would still have to contribute for her.

"Pesa bado naye mtatoa, it doesn't matter kama nko Kenya. Kwanza nkiwa Kenya ndo best, ndo ntawafinya vizuri. Pesa mtatoa, mchango ahh mchango ehh," Nyako said.

Recently Nyako has been struggling after several people accused her of fraud – forcing the Germany authorities to intervene.

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