Esther Musila and Guardian Angel

Businesswoman Esther Musila and her husband Guardian Angel are celebrating two years since walking down the aisle.

The couple tied the knot on January 4, 2022, and now they are celebrating two years of marriage. Musila used her socials to celebrate her union with Guardian – confessing that she is glad to have married her best friend.

“On this day two years ago, I married my best friend and of all the love stories in the world, ours will always be my favorite. This has been a beautiful journey, and I'm still your bride, and you're still my groom. It's still a honeymoon...

“Reflecting on our journey, there are 3 things that will always endure; FAITH, LOVE, and HOPE. The greatest of ours is LOVE. LOVE WON!!,” Esther shared. 

Adding that;  “Every day, I love you more than the day before. You make Mr & Mrs look so easy.... Happy anniversary to the love of my life and many, many more to come.🥂🥂🥂I love you Mr. Omwaka,”.

At the same time, Guardian Angel celebrated their wedding anniversary while celebrating his birthday.

“Birthday blessings to me, Happy Anniversary to us. Doing life with you my Queen is LIFE ITSELF I cannot ask for more. To more years of True Love 💕💕💕,” Guardian Angel shared.

Esther Musila and Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel on Being chased from Church 

In October 2023, Angel revealed how he was once mistreated in church for marrying an older woman.

Speaking during the launch of his new record label “7 Heaven Music” Angel confessed that the mistreatment made him quit church for some time.

“I went to a church to sing somewhere and I was mistreated in that Church. When I arrived the pastor told me that elders had instructed that I should not sing or step on the altar. They all argued and after 30 minutes the pastor accepted that I sing. When I started the pastor again got angry and wanted to snatch my microphone but his wife called him down,” Angel said in part.

"When I finished, the pastor took the microphone and never acknowledged that was had just sung. That made me hate the church,”.

The singer further stated that the ordeal made him swear that he was never going back to church.

“I started question myself, Kwani Kuoa bibi yangu kunaweza fanya mpaka I don’t deserve to sing for God in church.

“I went home with my wife and told her that that was the last time I was stepping into a church. I said I would never step into any church. Mabo ya Kanisa na mimi it is done. I said I would be praying in my bedroom but my wife continued going to her church,” he added.

Guardian further revealed that his life took a new turn after he met with Pastor Ababu, who is now his spiritual father.

He says Ababu agreed to walk with him despite all the bad things that were being said about him.

“Then the pastor that chased me away, went and impregnated a Mpango wa Kamdo somewhere. This made me realize that I was refusing to go to Church because of someone who was struggling and not me. I realized he hated me because of his own struggles and now the devil wanted to use that thing to remove me from Church”

Courtesy of Pastor Ababu who even officiated his wedding with Esther Musila, Angel is now back to church.

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