Crime Scene

Detectives are probing the circumstances surrounding the death of an unidentified woman, whose naked body was located in a river flowing through Kasarani, Nairobi.

The discovery was made on Saturday, January 13.

According to the police, the woman's body was found concealed in a sack with her arms and legs bound.

As of now, the identity of the perpetrators and the motive behind the crime remain unknown.

The police reported that the woman, whose body was found in the river in Lucky Summer, had sustained stab wounds on her neck, likely inflicted prior to being thrown into the water.

Initially believed to be discarded luggage, the sack retrieved by the police was later found to contain the woman's lifeless body.

Her remains have been transferred to the City Mortuary, pending identification and a post-mortem examination.

Nairobi's Police Chief, Adamson Bungei, noted that no arrests have been made and the woman's identity remains unknown.

He added that her fingerprints were collected to aid in the identification process.

Police have called on Kenyans with any information on the incident to present themselves at the local police station.

“Families missing their kin were also advised to visit the City Mortuary to help identify the victim,” said Bungei.

Police suspect the woman was killed elsewhere and dumped in the water before being washed downstream.

On Sunday morning, the lifeless body of a 25-year-old woman was discovered in her rented one-bedroom house, where she was presumed to be cohabiting with her partner in Kilifi.

The residents of the Kwa Ndomo area in Magarini, Kilifi County, were taken aback by the tragic find.

Identified as a Mnazi (local brew) seller, the woman had been residing with her lover since October of the previous year, as reported by both the police and local residents.

The woman was a mother of three and was well-known in the area.

Police said no arrest had been made but efforts to trace the killers are ongoing.

The motive is also yet to be established.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and other procedures.

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