Ezekiel Mutua and Ssaru

Musician Ssaru Wa Manyaru and the CEO of the Music Copyright Society of Kenya, Ezekiel Mutua have finally ironed out their differences.

The two met on January 25, 2024, at an event where MCSK was said to be distributing Sh20 million royalties to 16,000 musicians.

While addressing the attendees of the event, Ssaru said she and Mutua had no bad blood. The two hugged and squashed their beef.


Mutua and Ssaru's disagreement started when the MCSK CEO roasted Ssaru for her hit song 'Kaskie Vibaya.'

Mutua insinuated that Ssaru was hyping insults and arrogance on social media and felt like she was on top of the world.

Your dirty song is played on radio stations even during watershed time against the law. It's a hit in nightclubs. But the stations and nightclubs using your song pay you nothing, or if anything, peanuts. Of course, serious corporates don't associate their brands with vulgarity and indecency so you are clearly cutting yourself off from big money while pleasing strangers on social media.


“After the fame hinged on vulgarity and foolishness in the name of creativity, you are broke and you realise you can't make ends meet. You discarded advice from wise people and elders. You have no coach, no mentor, and no agent to manage your talent. And because you projected an image of a rich and arrogant artist, many people don't easily come to your aid. You are also afraid to ask for help because you burnt bridges while basking in the vain glory of social media.

“So let me talk to you today as a father. Dismissing advice from people who truly love you and want the best out of you is the beginning of the end. Dirty content sells, but only to perverts. The great part of the market, particularly here in Kenya, is composed of decent people who would not want to listen to dirty music, especially in mixed company or where children are likely to be present. Despite all their flaws, most parents care about their children and what they consume. They don't want their children to be exposed to dirty content.

“Many people wouldn't want their children to listen to your crap about promiscuity and incest. Ati "niko na pesa na ni ya babako." Really? If that were a true story, the character wouldn't be proud of herself.

“Unless you are creating content for views and likes on social media, you really want to think deeply about the consumer and your target audience and exactly how your talent can make money for you. Products that sell most, in every sector, are those that are consumed by family,".

Ssaru responded to Mutua's rant by simply telling him 'Kaskie vibaya na huko'

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