Sunna Sepetu
Image: Courtesy

In a recent courtroom showdown in Worcester, Massachusetts, Sunna Sepetu, sister to famed former Miss Tanzania and beloved actress Wema Sepetu, found herself in a gripping legal saga.

Sunna faced charges of a money laundering conspiracy.

The allegations? Sunna was accused of accepting millions of dollars from a victim in Texas, allegedly obtained through fraudulent means.

Rather than coming clean, she reportedly funneled the funds overseas, setting off a chain of events that culminated in their conviction.

Sunna and her co-accused, were handed down the conviction on March 28, 2024, in a federal court in the United States.


According to the US Attorney's office, District of New Hampshire, Sunna was accused of conspiring to launder money derived from wire fraud – a scheme that spanned years and continents.

Between 2013 and 2019, the duo allegedly received a staggering $3.2 million from a hapless victim in Texas, who fell prey to the clutches of fraud.

But here's where the plot thickens, Sunna was purportedly funneled these ill-gotten gains through a labyrinth of shell companies and bank accounts, with one destination in mind – Africa.


The funds were allegedly spirited away to the motherland, lining the pockets of the main fraud perpetrator while Sunna allegedly pocketed a hefty sum for themselves.

Part of the legal documents detailing the case read;

“Between 2013 and 2019, the defendants received approximately $3.2 million from a fraud victim located in Texas. these proceeds were sent to bank accounts established by the defendants for various shell companies.

The defendants then sent those fraud proceeds to the perpetrator of the fraud operating in Africa, while keeping a portion of the proceeds for themselves."

The judge presiding over the case is scheduled to announce the sentencing of the defendants on July 8, 2024

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