President Ruto after arriving in Siaya for General Francis Ogolla's burial ceremony

President William Ruto has arrived at Senator Obama K'Ogello Primary School in Siaya for the burial service of the late Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) General Francis Ogolla.

Ruto arrived at the venue at 9:50 am in the company of first lady Rachel Ruto.

Upon arrival, the head of state was received by senior military officers and various top state officials including Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo.

He was then ushered into a VIP tent.

Azimio leaders have also arrived at the venue.

They include Martha Karua, Mwangi wa Iria and George Wakackoya.

The body of the late Ogolla is currently being transported by road from Kisumu to the venue.

According to a program for the day, from 10 am to 12:55hrs, the mass recession for the General will be held.

Presidetn Willliam Ruto, Mama Rachel Ruto and PS Omollo at Gen Francis Ogolla's burial ceremony

It will entail opening prayers, welcoming remarks, eulogy, and tributes from family, friends representatives, church representatives, Millitary representatives and the government.

During the period, there will be sessions for Bible readings, sermons, family prayers and votes of thanks and announcements.

From 13:oohrs to 13:55hrs, the millitary rites and interment will follow.

This will entail a procession to the grave site at the General's Mor Village in Siaya County.

There will also be a military reveille, a call traditionally used to wake soldiers for duty, but in death, it is appropriated to mean hope in the afterlife

A 1 minute of silence in honour of General Ogolla will then follow.

The millitary will then conduct the last post, used at military funerals to indicate that the soldier has gone to his final rest. During this point, his body will be lowered to the grave.

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