Kwambox and Chito
Image: Instagram

Kiss FM Breakfast host Kwambox has suggested that making bad and boring adverts should be made illegal in Kenya. 

During the Morning Kiss, Kwambox recounted sitting in Traffic in Nairobi CBD, watching adverts on Billboards around the city.

“Jana I was caught up in Traffic and I started watching Billboards and it was really entertaining.

“I actually watched ads but in normal circumstances, I like skipping them. I hate ads but this left me thinking, there was a nice Ad for a movie, motor hub then the Ad that is making us have this conversation,” Kwambox said. 

“Do only dope ads and it should be illegal to see a bad Ad because you have hired this billboard for three months but the things you are displaying are very bad. Creativity Zero, graphics Zero,” 

It should be illegal, kama Ad yako is not entertaining, please do away with it,” She said. 

Chito joined the conversation saying that by Kwambox talking about the Ad she terms bad, the creator has already achieved what he/she wanted. 

“If you gonna put an Ad, please make sure it dope,” Kwambox said. 

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