TV Girl Grace Kuria

Media Personality Grace Kuria has landed a new job with an international media house months after quitting her job at TV47.

In an update seen by this writer, Ms Kuria has joined TRT World a media house based in Turkey. 


“It's been a minute! So far, so good at @trtworld . God takes all the glory, honour, and praise,” Kuria shared photos posing in front of the TRT World studios. 


Grace Kuria parted ways with TV47 after just 6 months. Kuria has previously worked with K24, CGTN, KTN News, and most recently, BBC.

At TRT World, Kuria has reunited with her former colleague at KTN News Brenda Czeda Radido who also joined the media house a few months ago

Grace Kuria


On March 1, 2024, Brenda announced that she had joined TRT World as she made a comeback in the media space after leaving KTN.

“This can only be God, mine is a story that l will tell one of these fine days. He has been faithful and has walked with me on this journey.....Anchoring and news gathering will always be part of me.... tupatane pale @trtworld for more news making the headlines.#yearofexpansion #newbeginnings #expandingterritories #anchornumber1,” Brenda Radido shared.

On January 31, 2024 journalist Radido announced that she had ended her relationship with KTN.

Brenda Czeda Radido's career

Before joining KTN News, Radido honed her journalistic skills at Kenya's national broadcaster, KBC, where she worked for two years.

Her career in media also includes a stint at Ebru TV from 2013 to 2016. 

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