Cheryl and Quran McCain

A 63-year-old woman and her 26-year-old husband have revealed they are expecting their first child.

Cheryl and Quran McCain, both from Georgia, America, have amassed a sizable social media following as a result of their highly publicized relationship.

In a recent video, the couple announced their pregnancy by showing their surrogate's positive test.


Cheryl happily informed that they were having a baby, and Quran voiced his enthusiasm at becoming a father.

The video has received millions of views and comments, with viewers expressing their amazement and support for the pair.

The couple's huge age gap has previously made news and drew online bullies.


However, they have constantly silenced their naysayers by proving their genuine affection for one another.

Despite their viral video announcing the pregnancy, some of their followers are still unsure.

They posted a photo of what they claimed was a positive pregnancy test, as well as an apparent scan image.

The controversial couple revealed their surrogacy journey in 2022 but called it off the following May after their surrogate violated her contract by having unprotected sex with her lover.

However, after three unsuccessful surrogates, the couple now claims online that they have finally hit gold with the fourth, driving social media into a frenzy.

'We get to start our own family. I am the happiest now than I have ever been before. It will make our family so much happier as we will love the baby unconditionally.'

'I cried with tears of joy when I found out. This will be my very first child.

I have never felt love like this apart from the time I got married to Cheryl.'

'Baby girl or baby boy it doesn't matter. I am having a baby and we are starting our life together,' he quipped.

Although the couple is said to be overjoyed to welcome the kid, several people online appeared skeptical of their statement.

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