Fred Omondi

Comedian Fred Omondi will be buried on Saturday and a memorial service will be held in Nairobi on Friday. 

He was born on 9th May 1989  and died on June 15th 2024 after being involved in a road accident.

Check out the full programme of the two-day event;

28TH June 2024 - Memorial Service at Chiromo Chapel

Moderator                  - CITAM Valley Road Pastor.


7:30 AM.                     -Opening Prayer - 1st Reading-Family - 2nd Reading-

                                            -Family - Tributes - Short Sermon-CITAM pastor Rev. Evans Agoyo -

                                             -Prayer for the Family-CITAM Pastor -

                                             -Vote of Thanks 

                                              -Family - Announcements-

                                                -Family MC - Benediction/Recession

28th June 2024. Travel Date

                                                 - Body leaves Chiromo Funeral Parlour for JKIA

5:45 PM.                            - Body Arrives at Kisumu International Airport received by - Family, Comedy industry & CITAM Kisumu Church.

6:30 PM.                            - Funeral Procession to Sega-Siaya County for a night Stay.

29th June 2024. - Burial service

                                                  -Family Home Sega

10:00 AM.                         -Burial Service Begins -

                                                  -Opening Prayers by CITAM Kisumu Pastor

                                                  - Tributes

                                                   - Local Administration

                                                   - Eulogy-Family

                                                    - Kisumu Worship Team

12:00 PM  Sermon by CITAM Kisumu Pastor-Rev. Robin Mulunda

                                                  - Vote of Thanks-Funeral Committee chairman/Representative

2:00 PM                                - Grave Site Procession

                                                     - Guests leave at leisure

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