Mother of the boy short 8 times heartbroken after son was taken away from her by unknown people
Image: courtesy

Kennedy Onyango the 12-year-old boy who was shot dead in Rongai a few weeks ago has allegedly been taken away ahead of his planned burial in Mbita today.

In a video shared by Eric Omondi, Josinter Ochieng, mother to Kennedy narrated the ordeal while appealing to the government to hand her back the son for burial.

“Yesterday I travelled with my son knowing I was coming to bury him. When someone dies and you bury them that is when you know you have buried them here.


“When we arrived in Mbita, the boy was taken away from us by the police, until now I have not seen my son again. Government, please help me bury my child,” the mother says while crying.  

According to Omondi’s statement, Kennedy Onyango was taken away by people believed to be police officers.

“So we got to Homabay to bury the 12-year-old Kennedy and just before getting to the homestead, we found a police roadblock. They took the boy. Whoever is responsible please allow this woman to mourn in Peace and allow her to bury her Son. She has suffered enough,” Eric Omondi.


The video has left many heartbroken as they call out those responsible for the inhuman act.

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