The bodies retrieved from dumpsite in Kware, Nairobi county on July 12, 2024

On 15th July the Director of Criminal Investigations Mohammed Amin revealed they had gotten to the roots of the Kware killings after a man confessed to having conducted the killings whereby he started with his wife.

The man said he has been killing people (especially women) since 2022 to date hence raising the number to 42 dead bodies at the dump site.

The suspect was arrested on Monday at Kayole where he was hiding though he lives a few meters from the dumpsite where ladies' underpants and a panga were found by the police.

This story has raised a lot of mixed reactions with a section of Netizens questioning how they arrived at this arrest.

Kenyans have discussed it online questioning how fast the whole scenario has happened and how no one ever reported that their loved one was missing until recently.

Just the other day, a lady came out saying she had a dream of her sister being dumped at Kware leading to this shocking revelation.

Some Kenyans said that probably the suspect had been paid to fake that he was the one who killed those.

Also some questioned if some of the bodies were dumped there in 2022, how come they haven't decomposed fully yet it is now two years since then.

“How does 42 bodies only surface at once...Mwili ilitupwa 2022 ilikuwa inangoja last week kutokea ama???

@DCI_Kenya just be serious for once.

Kwa ploti ukibeba mtungi kwendea maji majirani wanajua, how come kutoa mwili hawakuona?" a netizen wrote on X.

Aside from the killings people are asking why Kware dumpsite was set on fire yet all bodies haven't been recovered and also why have police from Kware police station been transferred if there isn't anything fishy going on.

“Then people say the government isn’t involved! In a well-regulated country, forensic experts would be in that site combing for clues and evidence on how bodies ended there and from where they came. You don’t destroy a crime scene before investigations are concluded," a netizen wrote.

“Hiyo story ya Kware hai-make sense kabisa! Scripted story!" another one wrote.

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