Kamene Goro and Jalang'o
Image: Instagram

Five days ago, Morning Kiss presenters Kamene and Jalang'o caught their adoring fans by surprise when they went MIA from their show.

This was after the two were tested for Covid-19 and as they waited for their results, they were advised to self quarantine, meaning they were to work from home.

Jalang'o posted,

"Good Morning! So yesterday we took the COVID- 19 Test! We will be working from home to allow the office to be cleaned and also our results will be out later today. Catch the latest hits from 6 in the morning we will keep you company through the links!!"  Jalang'o posted

The seasoned presenter took the chance and visited his colleague where he was pictured making Kamene some breakfast.

With the weekend gone, the two presenters were again back in studio after testing negative to Covid-19.

Breaking the good news, Kamene posted,

Goooooood morning! Being back in studio means ,we are Covid-19 negative! Anyway let's catch a good vibe on the morning kiss! #KameneAndJalas on @kiss100kenya @jalangoo

At last we can rest assured that our dynamic duo are safe!

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