Amber Ray

Amber Ray has made headlines for dramatic reasons...But most of her social media messages make a lot of sense.

She's not only used her social media following to make money through influencing but has also used it to throw in some life tips.

Here are our top ten Amber Ray life tips we are loving from her social media.


1. In this life I have learnt many things but top on the list is peace comes to those who attend to it. Hence my mantra: I believe all is well, I forgive myself and I forgive others. I trust in every moment and every experience I go through.


Life is play, it’s a game with many characters. The worst thing you can do is walk it with a long face…a sad face does no justice and only spreads negativity which manifests in reality. 

3.What is not part of you doesn’t disturb you. What people think of you does not change you!You can’t get wet from the word water so unless the one you pray to leads back to your inner self, you will forever be stuck thinking you need to find yourself…kumbe what you need is to create yourself


4.There is an interesting smell to the ink on a cheque book, but figure out some way in which you get paid for playing. The fun is in the experience of money not in the smell or weight of it

5. Connect to everything but attached to nothing. Attachment is rooted in fear. You lose your fear of loss when You realise you are already whole

6. You glow differently as a woman when you're not hating, hurting,bitter, miserable or messy. Keep it classy!Sometimes your mouth kills your look

7. Don’t be easy to define. Let them wonder about you

8. I don’t know who needs to hear this but Celebrate yourself. Nobody knows what it takes to be you.

9. I don’t know who needs to hear this but Posting your Bae on social media doesn't mean you're immature or saying the relationship won't end, it simply means you are enjoying themoment, if it lasts it lasts and if it ends it ends... u don't owe anyone an explanation!!!

10. I don’t know who needs to hear this but Take your financial life SERIOUSLY. Money is a DEFENCE to alot of Bullshit

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