Ndovu Kuu

OktobaFest is going regional. The beer celebration is spanning across the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and South Sudan

In keeping with its tradition, OktobaFest promises an unforgettable celebration of the region's rich cultural tapestry.  

In what has been touted as East Africa’s biggest beer festival, the 2023 edition has committed to authentically celebrate the region’s unique cultural identity through showcasing its food, music, fashion, art and gaming, with beer as the uniting factor. 

The first of its kind in East Africa, Oktobafest will commence in Juba, South Sudan on 14th October, and transverse the region throughout the month. The festival will feature hundreds of acts from across East Africa including Ndovu Kuu, Wakadinali, Wangeci, Mutoriah, and a host of top acts from Uganda, Tanzania, and South Sudan.  


Besides the celebrations, this year’s festival aims to leave a positive across the region through offering an opportunity to over 500 vendors, artists, and event partners to showcase their products and services.  

Speaking during the official launch of the festival, East African Breweries Limited’s Director of Marketing and Innovation, Ann-Joy Michira, said:

“A we celebrate this year’s Oktobafest, we remain deeply committed to making a positive impact on the communities we serve. This year, through this festival, we will seek to support young vendors, entrepreneurs, and artists, helping them gain profit and exposure and a springboard to thrive in their respective fields. By giving these talented individuals a platform to shine, we are not only nurturing creativity but also fostering economic growth, which is a key component of our sustainability strategy, Society 2030: Spirit of Progress.” 

Additionally, this year’s edition has committed to promoting environmental sustainability with a reduced carbon footprint, ensuring a top-tier, eco-friendly experience for revealers. This is as it seeks to become the region’s first sustainable festival. “OktobaFest is taking significant steps to reduce its environmental impact. We shall undertake initiatives including waste management, recycling, and sustainable practices which will ensure a greener and more responsible festival experience,” added Michira. 

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