Khaligraph Jones
Image: Leah Mukangai

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi was the guest of honour and at the Coca-Cola Christmas Caravan launch at KICC on Friday where rapper Khaligraph Jones thrilled fans with his electrifying performance.

Embracing the spirit of Santa Claus and celebrating the inherent kindness within us all, the brand is set to captivate hearts across Kenya with an enchanting series of experiences designed to unite communities and spread joy.

The Christmas Caravan Campaign is more than just an event; it’s a call to embrace the inherent kindness within and extend it to others.

Speaking at the event, Alfred Olajide said "We believe in the power of togetherness and the magic of kindness. Our Christmas Caravan Campaign is a testament to these values, as we embark on a journey to ignite the spirit of giving and unity across Kenya. This season, let's join hands, share a Coke, a meal, and spread the joy of the holidays together."

The Christmas Caravan Campaign is poised to create lasting memories and foster a sense of community during this special time of the year.

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