Zari Hassan and her husband Shakib

Zari Hassan's husband Shakib Cham was robbed on Friday night in his neighborhood. In a statement that he shared on Instagram stories, Shakib said he lost two phones, a sum of cash and expensive chains.

"Dear friends, I was robbed hours back. My bag that contained two of my phones, a sum of cash and expensive chains was snatched at my neighborhood supermarket."

He added that when he asked around, onlookers pointed at a man called 'Benja' whom he was told was an alleged close associate to Ugandan musician Pallaso.

"Out of respect I reached out to Pallaso who is like a brother to me. However, his response was nothing short of disheartening as he said he doesn't know of anyone like that. He claimed ignorance, exhibiting a demeanor empathizing his superstar status who walks with a lot of people," wrote Shakib

He concluded by saying that he would stay put as his team digs down the matter "I vow to deal with whoever that brat Benja and fellow goons are."

This incident comes barely a month after Zari's family home in Uganda was robbed while she had gone for a visit there.

"Yesterday my house in Uganda was broken into while I was out... their butchered my security guard, cut his ear off and used the butt of the AK47 to hit him severely in the head. They literally badly butchered him... cut through his head.

"They woke my family members up after getting in the house asking where is this and that but luckily my family members are okay and I am okay."

"I hope my guard heals because he was really badly hurt. On hearing the police coming, they ran off," 

She added;

"Whoever entered my Ugandan home and butchered my security guard cleared us out of phones, jewellery, Rolex watches, and laptops, to mention a few, and stole a government gun, just know we will find you," she said on Instagram at the time 

"Can't believe you also wanted to drive off with my cars... I will find you smh!! Anyone with information about stolen property in Munyonyo, please reach out; it's just a matter of time, I will find you," the last of her post read.

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