Tanzanian musician Rosa Ree

Rapper Rosa Ree has spoken about a red eye disease that has affected most members of her family members including her young child.

Ree took to social media to announce;

"Kuna upepo wa ugonjwa macho mekundu (Red Eye) sasahivi. Hii ni direct contact, yaani inasambaa pale mtu mwenye maambukizi anapokuna macho na kushika vitu, ukishika nawe unapata. So kuweni makini maana watoto wanapoenda shule na kupata maambukizi familia nzima inakua kwenye hatari ya kupata maambukizi hayo, na haibagui umri."

(There is an outbreak of red eye disease right now. This is a direct contact, meaning it spreads where an infected person has eyes and touches things, when you touch you also get. So be careful because when children go to school and get infected, the whole family is at risk of getting that infection, and it does not discriminate age.)

She added that the symptoms they have been seeing are :Flu, Headache, diarrhea, eyes giving tears, lots of coughing, eyes itching and red, loss of appetite and nausea.

"We don’t take nothing serious👀Ingekua vyema kama watoto wangesitishwa kwenda shule mpaka huu upepo upite. Maana wanapoenda shule wanawaambukiza au kuambukizwa na wenzao. Usually inasemekana inakaa mpaka siku saba. 🙏🏾NB: dawa yake ni kusafisha macho na maji ya vuguvugu yenye chumvi na dawa za maumivu pale kichwa kinapouma au unapopata homa."

(We don’t take nothing serious👀It would be nice if kids were held from school until this outbreak passess. Because when they go to school they infect them or be infected by their peers. Usually it is said that it lasts up to seven days. )

According to heathline.com, Redness of the eye, also called bloodshot eyes, can indicate the presence of several different health issues, however, most serious eye problems happen when you have redness along with pain or changes in your vision.


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