Huddah Monroe
Image: Instagram

Days after comedienne Elsa Majimbo revealed that she was being followed by a stranger, Huddah Monroe has responded to Majimbo's video, giving her experience in Los Angeles and Dubai.

Monroe said she too was being followed by a stranger during her stay abroad.


"So true, in L.A I was being followed everywhere I went. I had to change hotels so many times even in Dubai. They'll just follow you daily. I started recording them."

On the other hand, Majimbo said she was being stalked by a man who was driving a Mercedes G Wagon with red leather seats.

“This man has been stalking, following and harassing me for eight months. And the only thing worse than a psycho is a psycho with money,” she wrote on X

On Instagram she said;

"Its a middle Eastern man, black hair, black beard and brown eyes. He said 'can I hop out of my car and talk to you?' He was like, it will take a few minutes."

"All he said the first few minutes is, you are so beautiful babe, you're so hot babe."

He asked her out and she declined 'The next thing he told me to name any amount, he'd give me. I walked away."

The man has been stalking her since June.

Elsa said she informed authorities in Beverly Hills.

“The detective said unless he’s on my property or gets physical, it’s hard to prove stalking because it’s a public place. When he quite literally circles the block,” she said.

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