Enock Sikolia
Image: Instagram

Former Citizen TV reporter Enock Sikolia has opened up for the first time about why he left the TV station at the peak of his career in the middle of the covid 19 pandemic.

Speaking on 'Kenya Historian' Youtube Channel, Sikolia said he woke up onr day and sent his resignation to the HR.

"Some people say I left because of politics. When I left the politicians I used to call my friends stopped picking up my calls."

"Sometime before Covid escalated, I saw an advert and I felt like I wanted to experience international journalism.I wanted a new experience. I left quietly because I did not put everything happening in my life on social media."

"I wanted to develop the art of documentary production and I knew YouTube was a good place to do that."

He currently works for CGTN (China Global Television Network)

He shut down claims that he had been sacked.

"I was never sacked, I resigned. Citizens did not want me to go. I had made a decision that I was leaving Citizen TV."

Sikolia was surprised that people who had possibly put him on speed dial stopped calling him.

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