Kambua Manundu
Image: Instagram

Gospel minister and podcaster Kambua is encouraging the woman who feels the pain of loss on Mother's day.

Kambua took to social media to pen a heartfelt message to those who have had a miscarriage, experienced child loss, those who lost their mothers and those who feel triggered in any way.

She penned;

"Today I also want to celebrate the miracle of #motherhood . Thank you God for being so gracious; for showing me mercy, and making me a mother 

I know that this day can be heavily triggering for many women. I know it because I’ve been there, and because this day still brings me so many mixed emotions- being deeply grateful for the ones I get to hold, and deeply longing for the ones who didn’t stay.

I’m sharing this post for every woman who is longing for a child, or trying to heal from the loss of one- miscarriage, infant/child loss…I hope you feel seen and overwhelmingly loved.

I’m also sharing this for any woman who doesn’t get to experience the love of a mother- those who’ve gone ahead of us, and those who were never present….every woman with a longing too deep to be articulated…May you feel seen today. Do you know how much you are loved? Do you know how valuable you are?

I also want to share this post for every mom who feels invisible; you see everyone get celebrated, and no one seems to recognize the sacrifices you make. Today, look in the mirror and clap for the woman you see. Blow her kisses! Let her know that she is a Queen (whether or not anyone recognizes it).

Happy Mother’s Day beautiful women!!"

In another message she gave her mother her flowers, describing her as her heart's first home.

"Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who birthed me. The woman who’s loved me without condition. The woman who has held my hand, my heart, and taught me to hold my head up high. I could say so much about mama. Thank you for giving me Jesus, and thank you for being my heart’s first home 💝🦋."

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