Huddah Monroe
Image: Instagram

Huddah Monroe has opened up about getting emotional after seeing the video of rapper Diddy physically assaulting ex girlfriend Cassie in 2016.

The video was obtained and released by CNN.

"That Diddy video beating that woman made me cry. That's 90% of black men. No one can tell me otherwise, I would never marry a black man and live in the same house with him. God forbid!" She claimed

Adding "We have to change the narrative and the next generation of black men. Be the change you wish to see. Use them as sperm donors and stay focused on your journey, single mother is better than a DV house hold."

She went on to say that every relationship she ever admired on social media turned out to be pure evil.

"Relationship goals is a scam. Any relationship highly advertised on social media is highly questionable. They use social media to cover their unhappiness."

Monroe gave an example of a social media user she had been admiring her relationship only to find out that it was only glitz and glam on social media but chaos in real life.

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