Image: Courtesy

1. Live below your means

It is spending less money than you earn.

It will help in avoiding debt that is uncalled for Living below your means will help in case of an emergency, and no one wants to be buzzing people's phones left, right, and center.


Needless to say, it will save you a humongous amount of stress. Because you are not bothered about how you will pay or dodge your lenders/creditors.

2. Invest in yourself

It is developing or molding oneself into a well-rounded person by engaging in different tasks and activities.


E.g, Engaging in free or better pay for online classes through the different platforms available.

Image: Courtesy

• Work out. Nobody said about going to the gym if that's a little extreme for you, P.E. at home, and other online instructors will go a long way. Working out increases your productivity and energy levels. You feel energized and not sluggish.

•Self-care, before you ask, skincare routine? I mean doing something you love that does not involve your phone. Such as; time in nature, rediscovering a hobby, or taking part in recreational activities

•Start saving, we can agree there is a sense of peace and rest that comes with knowing there is some cash that imetulia tu (just resting) on your phone or the bank.

•Investing in relationships, cannot be overemphasized. Relationships are valuable for support. Make time for the people in your life, it can be as low as giving them a call not to ask for anything but to check up.

3. Manage your time

Managing your time helps you use it more effectively.

It will help avoid the last-minute rush that causes one to be overwhelmed.It will save you from a list of to-do lists that are constantly at the back of your mind procrastinated.

Choose what or whom you spend your time on carefully.

4. Set your intention

It is like drawing a map of where you wish to go; it makes it easier, right?

For example, what do I need to be done with by the end of the day? What is the goal or purpose of the relationship XYZ?

Setting an intention helps you focus and avoid a lot of sideshows.

5. Stay hydrated

It’s no secret that drinking water is good for you. But for many of us, drinking enough water and staying hydrated can be difficult.

The human body is about 50-70% water, and maintaining the right balance of water, allows your body to function properly.

Pro tip: eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way to stay hydrated.

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