Ben Pol with Anerlisa The 'Moyo Mashine' singer has denied having any knowledge of his divorce being finalised
Image: Instagram

The unending question of whether Anerlisa Muigai and Ben Pol are officially divorced continues to be a puzzle.

They separated barely a year after their wedding. While Anerlisa insists it's done, Ben Pol says the court has not notified him yet that it's official.


The two tied the knot in May 2020 at St Gaspar Catholic Church in Mbezi Beach, Tanzania.


The Bongo singer weighed in on the matter once again, in an interview with Nairobi News.

Ben Pol reiterated that he hasn't heard from the courts on matters divorce being finalized.


“Honestly, I don’t know why people think divorce is fun unless you are extremely broken or haven’t really moved on,” said the Moyo Mashine singer, adding there is no indication of a divorce decree just yet.

He continued during the interview, “That’s when you will see divorce as something to celebrate about. I have never seen something like that. I mean, your own divorce, how can it be fun? Someone clearly isn’t okay.”


He said he is yet to receive any new notification from the court where he filed the divorce case in April last year.

Ben Pol told the publication that its his opinion the Keroche heiress has not gotten over their acrimonious split that happened in 2021.

The former couple were in an off and on marriage. The frequents walk outs frustrated him.

“We took some time apart and later got back together in September and we were okay until February 2021 when things now got out of hand and we split. These are the episodes I’m talking about. We are together then break up for even 3 weeks, get back together, break up for a month, get back together. That’s how things were.”

Several weeks ago, an overjoyed Anerlisa took to her Instagram to announce that she was finally a free woman.

In her note, Miss Muigai said she received a notification from her lawyers informing her that the divorce had been officially granted and that she is now officially a ‘free woman’.

After that split in 2021, and initiating the divorce process, Ben told Simulizi na Sauti

“At the moment, because it is true I was the one that filed for divorce, I think when it comes to divorce matters, it entails a lot, and because of that it is still ongoing. But the status is that according to the Tanzanian law, we are still bound, but emotionally I bet none of us wants to be with each other,” he said.

After this, he was barred from talking publicly about their marriage, after Anerlisa's lawyers sent a cease and desist.

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