Lewis Hamilton exempted from FIA jewellery ban
Image: Courtesy

Back in 2022 Formula One's racing governing body Federation International de I’Automobile, which is French for“International Automobile Federation” popularly just referred to as FIA announced a crackdown on jewelry.

According to the FIA, its drivers are forbidden from wearing accessories during races and any violation of the rule following the crackdown would result in fines and eventual suspension.

FIA maintained it was doing this for the overall safety of all its drivers.


However, it now seems Mercedes racing star Lewis Hamilton is being exempted from the rule. His first win of 2023 you might say.

The Formula 1 superstar was just granted a medical exemption to wear his nose ring ahead of the Bahrain Grand Prix.

No... don't get it twisted there is no favouritism of whatever Lewis just made a sound argument that the body got behind.


According to the 38-year-old racing champion the new rule has been resulting in complications for him in his request report he claimed he was experiencing blood blisters from having to take his nose stud out for every race.

Following Lewis's request the FIA yesterday announced it had received a report from Mercedes' team doctor asking for a medical exemption to allow Hamilton to compete with his nose ring which they willingly granted.

The doctor must have made some convincing arguments in that report.

No, but in all honesty, they did try. According to Lewis's report, the nose stud proved hard to take out, as it had been soldered into it.

When he tried to find a solution and got it taken out, it got infected, so he got it put back in, and the infection began to heal, thus the doctors asked the Briton to keep it in

"The Stewards consulted the FIA Medical Delegate, who viewed the medical report, examined the driver, and concurred with the opinion therein," FIA's decision notice read.

In part, they added that they completely understood Lewis's predicament and they wouldn't be forcing him to take off his piercing anymore nor be reversing their decision.

"We have determined to take no further action as there are concerns about disfigurement with frequent attempts at removal of the device." The rest of the notice stated.

The decision really must have Hamilton feeling like a kid in an amusement park because he was against FIA's no-jewelry rule, to begin with.

Hamilton was very outspoken against the rule, to begin with, and in true fashion seemed to be flipping the finger at the federation by showing up while wearing 3 watches, 8 rings, 4 necklaces, and 2 earrings at the press conference of the Miami Grand Prix.

Now he can stop beefing and fully focus on his much-anticipated race.

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