The late Tupac Shakur next to his sister Set Shakur Set is furious with Donald Trump's lawyer
Image: courtesy

The late legendary Tupac Shakur's sister has come out to vehemently call out former US president Donald Trump's attorney for trying to insinuate that there are similarities between her late brother and the former head of state.

Tupac's sister identified as Set Shakur said the comparison is absurd and laughable as she called out Trump's attorney Alina Habba for drawing a parallel between the two.

"My brother was measured by his integrity, his principles and personal and collective responsibility," insisted Set calling the recent comments made by Trump's attorney, Alina Habba, "blasphemous."


The former head of state attorney made the said comparison on the same day that Trump flew to NYC to be arrested and indicted on fraud charges. 

Appearing on the political podcast “The Benny Show” to speak on Trump's widely publicized indictment Habba said, “Donald Trump is Tupac. Donald Trump is Biggie Smalls.

I’m East Coast, right? So I love it. Donald Trump is his own brand. I mean, he is everything.


This is just gonna boost him. We’ve seen it in the polls. It’s not a question, it’s a fact. If you’re Nikki Haley, if you’re these other candidates, just stop now. Get behind him.”

Donald Trump. The former head of state has been arrested over fraud charges
Image: Instagram/Donald Trump.

Habba asserts that Trump’s arrest will boost his numbers in the polls, similar to how Tupac’s record sales skyrocketed following his one year prison stint in an NYC prison.

Responding to Habba, Set made it clear that Tupac’s popularity didn’t grow because of his incarceration, but instead because his fans “were able to measure him by his words and actions that aligned.”

Set maintained her brother's legacy is because of his music and overall career, and not because of controversial moments in his life.

She also added she felt Trump’s attorney used her brother's name to try and appeal to ‘Pac fans for support and she’s hopeful that they don't take the bait.

The late rapper's sister also pointed out her brother took responsibility during his 1994 sexual abuse trial, voicing she isn't seeing a whole lot of accountability coming from Trump so no similarities there.

She goes on to praise her late brother, calling him an honorable man who stood for those needing protection ... always having others on his mind.

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