Paul Mackenzie

Pastor Paul Mackenzie was rearrested on Tuesday immediately after he had secured his release.

The DCI officers descended on the preacher and his six accomplices who had been released by Malindi court.

They were driven off in two land cruisers under the escort of two police vehicles.

Earlier in court, Malindi principal Magistrate Ivy Wasike who was handling the miscellaneous file to hold Mackenzie said she had closed it as the matter could only be heard by a specialized court which is in Shanzu.

Mackenzie has been accused of manipulating people through skewed, extreme religious teachings and fear of the unknown in pursuit of salvation, leading to the deaths of many of his followers.

He was first arrested for allegedly preaching a doctrine that encourages his followers to starve themselves to death in order to reach heaven faster.

Police have been reviewing Mackenzie's phone records and interviewing individuals connected to the church.

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