Image: Photos For Class

A recently published report reveals that marketing, communication and ICT-related openings are the most common jobs available to online workers. The findings are expected to help those seeking online jobs better match their skills with potential employers.

Online jobs are becoming a popular option both for fresh graduates and people already in employment wanting a side hustle. In reality, most people struggle to get online jobs because they can't find something that matches their skills. Having a computer and data bundles is no guarantee of getting an online job.

With online jobs, job seekers compete with applicants from across the world.


"Work-from-anywhere roles are highly desirable to job seekers and some of the most competitive to land," Toni Frana, a career expert, says.

"With most professionals seeking flexibility and remote work options, it's likely this trend will continue to grow."

Flexjobs, an online database that matches job seekers with employers, has reported the top 10 categories of jobs having the highest number of listings. Marketing, writing and content generation lead the list of most available jobs. ICT skills, including software development and gaming, are also in great demand. Graphic design is also a much sought-after skill.

Between January and April, the highest number of available positions were for language translators, copywriters, technical writers and social media managers. In ICT, employers were looking for software engineers, product designers and user experience (UX) designers. These findings show that multilingualism and skills in writing, social media management and software development are in big demand.

The dominance of marketing and ICT jobs does not lock out job applicants from other areas of specialisation. Job seekers can adapt to the requirements by taking short courses in, for example, writing, coding or graphic design. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is emerging as a major growth area. Employers will be looking for people who can use AI to make work easier.

In the "Future for Jobs Report 2023," the World Economic Forum confirms that AI and Machine Learning roles are among the fastest-growing jobs. Technology is making more conventional jobs redundant.

"The majority of fastest declining roles are clerical or secretarial roles, with bank tellers and related clerks, postal service clerks, cashiers and ticket clerks, and data entry clerks expected to decline fastest," reads part of the report.

As online jobs grow in popularity, so does the competition for each position. Job seekers can stand out by using their CVs to demonstrate why they're a great fit for the job.

If you have previous experience with online jobs, highlight it with details about the employer and the responsibilities you handled. It would also help your job application when you highlight experience with remote working tools like Zoom, Google Suite and Skype.

Do an online search of the potential employer to ensure you will be working with genuine people. You really don't want to invest your time and energy in someone who will not pay. Unfortunately, such scams are fairly common. Understand the rules under which you will be working to avoid conflict in future.

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