Kwambox and Chitoin the Kiss FM Studios

Morning Kiss host Sheila Kwambox has revealed things she would want to be done at her funeral.

She also shared the number of guests she thinks would come to send her off.

Sharing her view with her co-host Chito Ndhlovu, Kwambox said

"You have to let guys know what you'd expect and who should not miss.

You might wake up and find your bae being comforted by someone."

Her demands?

"There must be a DJ at my funeral, I do not expect people to dance to TikTok videos.

There are people who I feel if they weren't there I would be upset.

I do not expect more than 200 people.

There must be disco matanga for three weeks. Some people are your friends but they are walking demons."


In the past Akothee had revealed she would want her BFF and Lang'ata MP ,Jalang'o to read her eulogy.

She also stated she would want to be buried in her wedding gown.

The artist has bought a 690K gown from Switzerland. Her bridal shoes cost Ksh. 172k

"Death is inevitable. When I die I want to be buried in my wedding gown, I want to be buried the same way I will be wearing on my wedding day."

What are her reasons for wanting jalang'o to read her eulogy?

People might not know your other side apart from being a public figure. You have family wisdom. I have no idea how you handle me, but somehow what others can’t tell me to do, you find a way of putting it your own way, and I find myself melting,” Akothee wrote in part.

"Mheshimiwa since we spoke two days ago, I feel like a huge burden has been taken off my shoulders. I see clearly and better now Trust me No one Could have done it iliwaahinda wote. I stood in my corner because I felt attacked from all corners. I felt everyone took sides and I was left to fight for my own space," she added.

"I am typing this crying, Thank you for always being that one person who understands;

1.Esther Akoth Kokeyo is HUMAN

2. Esther Akoth Kokeyo is a HUSTLER

3. Esther Akoth Kokeyo is A Mad Woman

4. AKOTHEE is A brand

5. MADAMBOSS is A No nonsense.

For this reasons, you know how and when to handle me. On my death Bed be the one to read my EULOGY. BE BLESSED OSIEPNA I LOVE YOU


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