Hunky musician Kagwe Mungai is sharing a side of himself that his fans do not know about.

He spoke on the 'Best Kept Secrets' Podcast about enduring constant heartbreak, that left him giving up on dating.

He described how he had come off a four-year relationship that made him lose it, and learned lessons from it.


"There was a time when I think I was 23/24, and I was head over heels, the first time I felt drunk in love. Its like dopamine hits every single moment, and it was the first time I had experienced love, being that kind of grandiose

That relationship lasted four years. It was one of my earlier strong relationships and it started great as they always do, "

Why did they break up?

"What happened is along the line of like going through the relationships and the ups and downs, I think I kind of lost myself, and I was desperate for the relationship to work, even though we both knew it had a shelf life"

Kagwe added

"I can't blame anyone in particular, for why it ended it was time.

I just wasn't ready for us to end, and that had a big impact on me and my music, on my confidence coz at some point I had imagined my entire life with this person.

And as soon as that was not a reality anymore that takes a dent in your confidence. It took me five years to kind of get back to myself or at least close to "


He dove into dating again

"Kissed a lot of frogs and grew ultimately from it.What does he mean he was kissing frogs for 5 years?  I wasn't doing any self-work the only therapy I had was music,"

He also stopped being a gentleman,

"No more Mr Nice Guy, that guy was not cutting it, "

He then resolved to make music from his heartbreak

"I remember for weeks waking up crying, and I would blast trap music, and I'm running on the road and tears are rushing off my face" he talked it out with a friend.

Another decision was to take time off dating

"I was extremely scared of getting my heart broken, so I kept everything at arm's length. I wasn't ready"

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