Stevo Simple Boy
Image: Instagram

Stevo Simple Boy has chosen to handle himself and avoid signing a contract with a record company.

Simple Boy complained about his prior management to comedian Mulamwah, saying they weren't doing a good enough job.

"Niko fiti lakini si sana vile. Manager hafanyi kazi mzuri. Ukiangalia Instagram, badala apost msanii wake, anapost msanii mwingine. Kuanzia January, sijapiga show. Siitaji pesa mingi, kitu kama 20, 30k inajaza kibaba," said Stevo.


Mulamwah made two unsuccessful efforts before asking the artist if he wanted to be managed.

"Nataka kujimanage kivyangu pamoja na marafiki wangu."

The comedian suggested that the creator of the famous song "Tuheshimu Ndoa" run things himself.


"That's how we survive, pesa ni pesa, haikataliwi. Rudisha socila mediaza watu. Watu wako ready kukusupport sana Mtu asikufunge . Anza upywa, wakenya watakuspport na uko very supported," said Mulamwah.

Phelix 'Jalang'o' Odiwuor, a Lang'ata MP, also stated to Mulamwah in the comment area that he is ready to support.

"Mulamwa you are a brother! Kindly stand with Stevo if possible! All these things happening are hurting him! Just a bit of guidance will go a long way! Kindly let me know what we can do!"

This occurs a day after the contract with Men In Business (MIB), the previous management of Stevo Simple Boy, was terminated.

"Termination of the contract will be effective as of 31st July hence we have 35 days of tabling both parties' interest for a smooth transition.

During the process, all parties will be paused and a lawful process of events will be followed in accordance," read a statement from the management.

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