Another batch of sheep stolen from Uhuru's farm returned

When Uhuru Kenyatta's farm was attacked, former chief justice Willy Mutunga said he tried unsuccessfully to contact the former president.

"This is the only place to run to in case of any issue," Mutunga added, emphasising the necessity for the political class to respect the judiciary.

 “I tried calling Uhuru when his goats were stolen to tell him that you need the judiciary to help you but he didn’t pick up...maybe changed numbers,” he said amidst laughter.


In a television appearance on Wednesday evening, Mutunga also commended Uhuru, stating that while the president, he respected the judiciary and would consult with it.

“We had a good relationship, he is a warm guy, and he used to listen to advice save for when he refused to swear in the judges as recommended by the judicial service commission but we handled it politically,” he noted.

The former Chief Justice claims that the judiciary is an unconstitutional political office.


He urged the current administration to safeguard its independence and refrain from "enslaving" it.

Mutunga counselled CJ Martha Koome to participate and offer guidance frequently.

“You are dealing with politicians; they don’t want to be told what the law is. You need to talk to them about the political consequences of their actions,” he added.

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