Huddah Monroe.
Image: Instagram

You've probably heard memes that most social media users travel, take photos but do not show the photographer. Well, Huddah Monroe says when she wants to go see the world, she travels alone and take her photos with the help of a tripod.

The socialite seems to shut the perception that she travels with company.

"I travel alone. I have no one to take photos of me and I'm not trying to hire a photographer."


"I have a I have an extra hand. I wish I could show y'all my daily outfits..." She shared after posting a photo while in Spain. 

According to her Instagram, Huddah left Kenya for Dubai before visiting Spain.

In March this year, the businesswoman was accused of 'stealing' photos and using them as hers on Instagram.

She shared a photo of a flight menu on first class before being blasted for lifting the photos from someone else's social media.


Responding to the accusation, she said 

"I was eating caviar on first class last week why would I steal a menu image, b***is delusional."

"Sahi flight attendants will see fire. I'll be asking them for photos and snaps like it's my first time flying. Just to prove a point...coz I miss being petty," 

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