Boni Khalwale
Image: The-Star

The soaring price of petrol in the nation prompted Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale to call on President William Ruto to fire three of his top officials on Sunday.

Speaking in Kakamega, Khalwale urged the President to dismiss the trade secretary Moses Kuria, the energy secretary Davis Chirchir, and the economic adviser to the vice president, David Ndii, for their contentious comments on the price of petrol.

“President Ruto, I want to tell you today from Kakamega, watu wenye umepatia kazi wamekuingiza kona mbaya sana; mtu ambaye anaitwa minister for trade, mtu ambaye anaitwa waziri wa energy na mtu ambaye anaitwa your economic advisor,” Khalwale said.


“Lazima watuambie sisi wakenya what did they mean by they are buying fuel from government to government when things are worse, you sack people so that the cost of fuel can come down,” he added.

The senator stated that he was elected to help the underprivileged and that his main issue was the inability of small business owners, like boda boda riders, to provide gasoline for their motorbikes.

He claimed that Kenyans are starting to believe that the government is unable to keep its promises and that things have gone so bad that the administration is now made fun of even at little events.


"I was elected in this country of Kenya to serve the poor. I don’t care whether the rich people find petrol expensive but I care when the bodaboda people are unable to fuel their motorbikes,” Khalwale said.

He added: “President Ruto sack these people otherwise serikali yako sasa hata in a small function like this inaanza kukaa kama iko na sura mbaya.”

Kuria has warned Kenyans to drill their own oil wells in response to their complaints over the cost of fuel.

The CS claimed in a video posted by Citizen Digital that the increase in crude oil prices is not a secret to anyone and that everyone is aware of it.

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