Chef Maliha Mohammed
Image: Instagram

Chef Maliha, the Kenyan culinary superstar who smashed the world record for the longest home kitchen cooking marathon, is still waiting for her well-deserved Guinness World Records acknowledgment.

Addressing why we are well in October and she still hasn't yet received her record since August Maliha revealed that apparently, the snail-mail express is faster than their recognition process.

It'll take a tortoise-paced 12 weeks! Why the delay? Because they want her to cough up some money to fly a judge to Kenya to award her.

"I understand everyone is asking about what happened to August cooking marathon???? Here's the thing, I had 3 options:

1) It takes 12 weeks for GWR to verify you!

2) I have to pay £10,500 (over Sh.1.9 million) to get adjudicator to come to Kenya to verify me on the spot.

3) Pay 6508 to get verified in 5 working days!" Maliha wrote on her Instagram stories sharing her woes.

She went on to insist that she does not have that kind of money and Kenyans had barely raised anything for her.

"Now here is where I come in... I don't have that type of money!!! I can't even barely reach 20k in donations from my Till no: 8504686, how am I supposed to pay ????" Mahalia wrote.

"Therefore I will wait for the GWR to verify me in 12 weeks time! Patience is key! I have no choice! I hope y'all have understood me! As I train for my last marathon! Help me raise enough money to pay GWR and bring the record to Kenya," the last of her post read.

She broke the world record for the longest home kitchen cooking marathon on Monday, August 14 She cooked for 68 hours, 30 minutes, and 2 seconds, surpassing the previous record of 68 hours, 30 minutes, and 1 second held by US-based chef Rickey Lumpkin

And she did not stop there! Maliha continued to cook and amazed everyone by setting a new record of 90 hours and 15 minutes

If certified by Guinness World Records, Chef Maliha will be displacing Rickey Lumpkin from California.

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