Digital content creator Tatiana Karanja aka Mama Olive

Digital content creator and award winning photographer Tatiana Karanja popularly known as Mama Olive is calling upon people to debunk the notion that content creation isn't a real job.

In a lengthy post shared on her Instagram page, Tatiana went on to share a few pointers in a bid to educate people and help change the narrative.

"There is so much hate out there for influencers, with many people making fun of the fact that, even during hard times, we are endorsing and promoting brands," started off the mother of 3.

Mama Olive went on to courteously remind people that content creation was as much a real and demanding job as a 9-5 that required people to show up regardless of things and deliver stipulated content lest they breach terms of their agreement.

"It's as if they don't recognize that this is our real job, our 9 to 5, and the means by which we take care of our families. As a single mother of three, this is my main source of income, sometimes my only source depending on my photography work. This is my full-time job!" The content creator explained,

She went on to ask the 9-5 people if they personally put their lives on hold or fail to go to work just because the world was burning to advocate for peace and other issues as they'd expect content creators to do so.

"It's disheartening when people constantly attack and belittle what influencers do. I get it, it’s unconventional but it’s the reality. I want to ask those who criticize us: Are you personally putting your job on hold to become an advocate for world issues? Have you stopped going to work or doing what earns you money? Just because my job is in the public eye and I share it on my stories doesn't make it any less of a job.

I have three kids to support, provide for their basic needs, and ensure their education. I also have two staff members who rely on me to support their own families. People need to stop hating on influencers for simply doing their actual job.,"

Finishing up Mama Olive maintained that it was challenging being present on social media while issues are going on as one might appear tone deaf but at the end of the day, it is how they earn they living and support themselves and their families.

"I'll be the first to admit that it's challenging to navigate the world's issues while being so publicly present on social media. It can feel like our efforts are falling on deaf ears or even seem tone-deaf. But at the end of the day, this is how I make a living and support my family. It's not something to be ridiculed or dismissed.

Additionally, every single person who has a social media account has influence, regardless of the number of followers they have. It's important to recognize that influence extends beyond just those with large followings.

Each individual has the power to make a difference, whether they have one follower or five million. Let's shift the narrative from criticizing influencers to encouraging everyone to use their influence, no matter how big or small.

No matter our differing perspectives, let's remember that we are all working hard to provide for our families and deserve support rather than ridicule.🙏🏾," the last of her post read.

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