An illustration of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg gearing for a fight
Image: Courtesy

Business magnet and tech-savvy multi billionaire Elon Musk is opening up on why his fight with fellow billionaire Mark Zuckerberg flopped adding that he is confident he'd take on Mark anywhere anytime and totally annihilate him.

The father of 11 talked about this during an appearance he made on Joe Rogan's The Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

“Italy actually was willing to let us use the Coliseum,” the Tesla CEO told Rogan.


52-year-old Musk went on to add;

“I was like, well, can’t turn that down. Then I was like, well, if it’s going to be in the Coliseum, I like UFC and everything, but we don’t have tons of ads in UFC branding on the Coliseum 'cause it’s a place of great history. You don’t want to have it be all like NASCAR. And then Zuck pulled out,"

Mind you 39-year-old Facebook founder Mark  Zuckerberg had pointed the blame on Elon highlighting that the billionaire wasn't serious and had no intention to actually fight.


Responding to Zuck's claims Elon simply said;

"[Zuckerberg] accused me of not being serious, and I said, ‘Listen, at the end of the day, I’ll fight you any place, anywhere, under any rules,’”

New Twitter boss Elon Musk
Image: Courtesy

Clearly way over his head and with little to no clue about how organized fighting works Musk went on to tell the JRE podcast host that he is sure he'd beat Zuck.

Elon who clearly had heard in "Send me location.""Send me location."ternet talks with people debating odds of the fight highlighting that Zuck would kick his ass because of his jiu-jitsu experience voiced that he doesn't agree with the sentiments.

“I’m like 50% heavier than him,” 6'2", 240-ish lb," the X owner said cheekily adding, "I’ve got my patented 'walrus' move. I just lie on him. A walrus doesn’t need martial arts training because it’s really big.”

The fight between the two ultra-wealthy moguls started around the time Zuck launched his X-competitor, Threads.

Elon tweeted he was "up for a cage match," (after threatening to sue) and Mark responded, channeling Khabib, saying "Send me location."

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