Azzaid Nasenya

Media personality, brand influencer, and TikTok sensation Azziad Nasenya opened up about how hard the younger generation has it in these evolving times.

Speaking during a self-confidence panel discussion held by Wembesha na BIC campaign Azziad tackled the topic of unemployment where she noted with this new age people have to work thrice as hard and put in extra effort.

Azziad also touched on cyber-bullying, a concept she is well familiar with seeing how difficult she had it when she broke into stardom inspiring and encouraging the youths through her personal life stories.

"It is a hard time to be a young person in this generation. You have to work hard. You have to stand out. No one is going to hand you anything freely. You need to put in extra effort," said the budding actress while encouraging the youth in attendance.

Azziad Nasenya
Image: Instagram

The TikToker noted that although she has always been confident growing up her confidence over the years has gradually increased. She said this while encouraging those fighting with feelings of self worth to be patient with themselves as it is something that grows with time.


"I have always been a confident person, ever since I was a kid. Over the years, I can say it has gradually increased because I have become more self-aware.

The person I am now is not the person I was 10 years ago, and I won't be the same person after 10 years. So I can say it is something that grows," the digital content creator revealed. 

Finishing up the TikTok sensation went on to touch on the topic of cyberbullying noting that her inner circle held her hand and greatly helped her navigate through all the online hate she was receiving by reminding her that she was the phenomenal person she thought she was and shouldn't let anyone tell her otherwise.

"About cyber-bullying, I prayed a lot. Close people around me reminded me that I am the it girl," Azziad candidly said.

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