Elsa Majimbo

Comedienne and digital content creator Elsa Majimbo is opening up about her first heartbreak and how devastated she was.

Sharing on her TikTok page, Elsa went on to narrate how madly in love she was with the man even though her dad hated the said guy who happened to be a Spain footballer.

Don't get Elsa wrong though her dad had clear reasons not to like the guy. According to Elsa her ex, whom she decided to withhold his name and give him the moniker Mike, was from a sketchy family and she was a minor back then.

Mike was from a rich family however his family's source of income was unknown and shifty things such as his house getting gunned down occasionally used to happen.

“Let’s call him Mike, he and I were so in love. We were inseparable, everyone knew, my dad knew and he hated him because I was 16. His mom knew and she really loved me. Mike was from a really rich family, a very wealthy family,” said Elsa in the trending TikTok video.

She went on to give a little backstory on Mike and why her dad resented him adding that back then she was literally a ride-or-die babe owning to how great Mike treated her.

US based Kenyan digital content creator Elsa Majimbo

“I didn’t really know the source of the family’s income because he was very shifty about it. Weird things would happen, like his house got gunned down or his brother got kidnapped at some point and even knowing this immediate danger that was around me, I didn’t care. I was so loyal to this man. I was a ride or die for him,” the content creator dramatically said.

On what led to their breakup, Elsa left her audience tongue tied by revealing that her changing her appearance is what severed their once though inseparable bond.

In as much as she was head over heals in love with the footballer, she knew she had to let him go as he had made her question her self worth and almost shattered her confidence.


“One day he came back and he wanted me to meet his best friend which I was excited about. At the time I had short hair and I decided to put in extensions. I went to see him. His face goes blank. He treated me so coldly the entire time in front of his best friend.

Mike was someone who loved PDA, he would hug me, touch me, kiss me, this man would turn the world upside down for me. On this day, you would have thought he was a stranger.

I held his hand, he would hold it for like five seconds and then pull away. I went home and cried, then later I brought it up to him and he said that my hair had caught him by surprise,” Elsa Majimbo revealed.

Elsa recalled how she tried to move past the hurt that Mike had inflicted on her but it appeared impossible under the said circumstances. She couldn't deal with his reaction and the fact that she couldn't move past the disrespect read to their breakup.

“He went back to Spain the next day, I tried to move past it. A few weeks after that he came back home. I saw him and I was like, I can’t deal with this man.

This man made me question myself, and that’s how me and Mike were endgame," said Elsa as she concluded her story.

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