Kenyan artist KRG the Don

Kenyan dancehall artist and entrepreneur KRG the Don has offered to pay US-based Kenyan digital content creator Elsa Majimbo a whopping 5 million US dollars if she agrees to denounce her Kenyan citizenship.

That is over Sh.757 million! Crazy right? But hey Bughaa made it clear that he is a billionaire so that ain't much of a dent to his pockets now is it?

Clearly fed up with Elsa's continuous slander of her home country, KRG opined that he just like a multitude of other Kenyan citizens were tied of Elsa trash talking our beautiful country (that helped her rise to fame if I may add) and constantly shading us.


He publicly stated that he was willing to pay the 22 year old millions of shillings for her to denounce her Kenyan citizenship. 

That shouldn't be a big issue for her since she has on multiple occasions stated that she dislikes Kenyans and an year ago had vowed never to set foot in the country. 

"I want to pay this young blood $5 million to cease being a Kenyan coz she made silly money and though Kenya as a country is now a disgrace to her!!! Bomboclat! Bughaa says so right now!" The father of 3 wrote.

Elsa Majimbo

But honestly speaking it would be quite the movie if Elsa took up KRG on his offer, I'd love to see how that would play out.

KRG's offer comes in just hours after Elsa through her socials promised that she would give out  Sh152 950 ($1000) to anyone who could produce a clip of her explicitly saying the words “I hate Kenya”.

She swore even though she had said some distasteful things about her homeland she had never said she hated the country promising those are words she'd never utter.

“Everyone says I do when I don’t and have never said those words and I will never,” Elsa Majimbo said in part.

I feel like as Kenyan citizens we are being gaslighted here, also isn't this the same Elsa who swore she would never ever date a black man?

14 months ago in an interview with Forbes, the content creator announced  she had no plans of ever returning to Kenya based on what she terms as " her complicated and strained relationship between her and Kenyans."

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