Hilda Baci, Nigerian celebrity chef
Image: Instagram

Hilda Baci, the Nigerian trending chef, and entrepreneur who for a while held the title of Guinness World Record for the longest time spent cooking by an individual is opening up about her love languages.

Guys, it seems they have their own Sue Owino!

Speaking during a recent interview, the chef expressed her love for cooking and baking and the immense amount of joy she feels when she caters to her loved ones.


With that, the food maven went on to confirm that preparing meals is her biggest love language to those close to her... especially her man.

Hilda revealed she does not want a man who knows how to cook to help take the load off her, on the contrary, she is fine being on cooking duty. irrespective of the hour.

"I don't want a man who knows how to cook. I like cooking so much, like my friends will tell you 'How Hilda will show you love, she will send you food, she will cook for you.' That's one of the things I like to do for people that I care about, especially for my man," started the young entrepreneur.


She went on to add that her love for cooking is so strong that she does not mind cooking at any point in time because it's her thing.

Hilda emphasized that her ideal type... like what makes her go gaga is a man who wouldn't mind leaving all the cooking to her.


"You can wake me up in the middle of the night and say 'babe, I want a doughnut, I want a meat pie' and I'm flying to the kitchen to make it for you, that's my thing.

For me I want a man that can order me food, if you don't have a problem with ordering me food, I'm in love," Hilda revealed.

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