Lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi calls out Burundi President Evariste Ndayishimiye over harsh LBGTQ comments
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Constitutional lawyer and publisher Ahmednasir Abdullahi has called out the Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye over his open homophobia.

The Burundi president during a public press conference with the media encouraged his citizens to stone gay people (when found) highlighting that having homosexuals in the country is inviting a sin upon the nation.

Mr. Ndayishimiye while speaking on Friday said;


"If you want to attract a curse to the country, accept homosexuality,"

He went on to add that the gays should be gathered up and stoned highlighting that he feels "murdering" them cannot be a sin since homosexuality is unacceptable.

"I even think that these people, if we find them in Burundi, it is better to lead them to a stadium and stone them. And that cannot be a sin,"

Burundi's President Evariste Ndayishimiye
Image: Courtesy

Reacting to the shocking statement through his X account city lawyer Ahmednasir condemned the head of city for inciting his people towards violence which he feels is unacceptable.

He noted the country (Burundi) had more pressing issues than hurting fellow humans especially since no active crime had been committed. 

"Surely Burundi has more pressing priorities than stoning gay couples," part of the senior counsel's post read.

He added that considering the fact that Burundi as a nation was among the poorest countries across the globe, they should focus on growing their GDP instead of focusing on such small issues.

"As one of the poorest countries in the world, why doesn't he borrow his neighbour Paul Kagame's development manual and rebuild his country and uplift the dire living standards of his people," the rest of Ahmednassir's post on X, read.

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